Fun Fun Fun with Pumpkins and more... :)
This is a Charity Event together with Taki's Alternate Gender Fair. This round benefits the Point Foundation, who empowers promising lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer students to achieve their full academic and leadership potential – despite the obstacles often put before them – to make a significant impact on society. Additionally, Point Foundation provides programs that affect social change by challenging attitudes that contribute to social stigma and its resulting prejudice, which is often experienced by those in the LGBTQ community.
More information can be found at the Point Foundation website here:
Saturday 26th October 12pm SLT till whenever!
at least 4 Hours FUN FUN FUN and...
Samstag 26. Oktober 12pm SLT (21 Uhr GMT+1)
Halloween Party!
Spass mit Kürbissen und mehr :) Diese Party ist ein Benefiz Event für die "Point Foundation" welche sich für Bildung bzw Ausbildung von Homosexuellen und Transsexuellen einsetzen. Mehr dazu hier:
2 Djs
Einzigartige Dekoration nur für dieses Event
Trivia Quiz
mindestens 4 Stunden Spass und...